Kajto started to perform in January 1988 and since then has frequently toured the continent.
Kajto is an Esperanto-ensemble who played and sang songs with original Esperanto lyrics from various countries. They employed a wide range of instruments, among others guitar, cittern, violin, accordion, shawm and flutes. All Kajto's music was composed by the group itself. The elements from which the world-language Esperanto has been made, mainly come from Roman languages and for the remaining part from Germanic and Slavonic languages. Therefore you can recognize many music-styles in the music of Kajto which reflect the influences from various countries.
They launched the first ever compact disc in Esperanto, com- prising their own songs.
The first copy to be released in the world was presented to the British young Esperantists and the president of the UEA during the Esperanto world-congress in Brighton in 1989. In October 2004 Kajto recieved the international FAME cultural award of the German town Aalen.When performing outside The Netherlands, Kajto made intro- ductions in English, French, German or Esperanto.
The group not only presented its normal repertoire, but when an opportunity presented itself, they also could:Afterwards the group came together and one is surprised to hear a beautiful four-part melody. When requested they also played and sang songs of The Nether- lands and Friesland.
- teach the public easy, or more difficult, folk-dances.
- lead the audience in singing of choruses or canons.
- lead the audience in four-part harmony wlth the parts being taught in separate groups.
Kajto had a full evening's programme, vhich could easily be shortened.
All members of the group have a lot of experience in the fields of singing, music and dance.The members of Kajto were:
Nanne Kalma guitar, cittern, banjo, violin, vocals. Marita Kruijswijk flutes, shawm, vocals. Ankie van der Meer guitar, banjo, vocals. Marian Nesse accordion, vocals.
La muziko de Kajto estis originale komponita de la grupo mem. De sia komencigo la grupo jam koncertis en multaj landoj kiel Scotlando, Anglujo, Germanujo, Belgujo, Francujo, Pollando, Cehoslovakujo kaj Danlando kaj ne nur por esperanto-publiko.
Kajto estis 4-persona esperanto-muzikgrupo el Nederlando, kiu ekestis en januaro 1988. La grupo ludis kaj kantis kantojn kun originalaj tekstoj de poetoj el multaj landoj. Ili akompanis sin per diversaj instrumentoj , i.a. gitaro, mandolino, bango, violino, akordiono, flutoj kaj salmoj.
Gis ci-tiu momento la grupo eldonis kvar kompaktdiskojn: 'Kajto' en 1989, 'Procesio Multkolora' en 1991 , 'Tohuvabohuo' en 1993 kaj 'Masko' en 1999.Dum koncerto Kajto povis kantigi la publikon pere de kunkantado de rekantajoj kaj de kanonoj.
Krome la esperanto-repertuaro la grupo ankau povis:
Kajto havis vesperplenigan programon; malpli longe ankau eblas. Ciuj membroj de la grupo havas multjaran sperton sur la kampo de la kantado, muzikado kaj dancinstruado.
- instrui al la publiko facilajn (laudemande pli komplikajn) nederlandajn kaj frisajn popoldancojn.
- ludi kaj kanti, laudezire, frisajn kaj nederlandajn kantojn.
La membroj de Kajto estis:
- Nanne Kalma
- Marita Kruijswijk
- Ankie van der Meer
- Marian Nesse