Kat yn 't Seil, Kajto, Marianta en Kapriol'! hebben in verschillende landen opgetreden, zoals:
July '88 3th. Baltic Festival of Sea Shanties in Gdynia (Poland) Dec. '88 Internacia Seminario Traben-Trarbach (Germany) May '89 Tour in England and Scotland, a.o. with Skota Kongreso de Esperanto in Glassford (Scotland). July '89 Tour in Poland with performances in Swinouiscie, Gdansk, Bialystok and Torún (Poland) July '89 Medical Esperanto Congress in Kortrijk (Belgium) July '89 74a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto in Brighton (England) Aug. '89 Ressemblement Mondial des Jeunes in Paris (France) Oct. '89 Fanø Vadehavsfestival (Denmark) Oct. '89 Esperanto Kultura Festivalo in Ostrava (Czechoslovakia) Nov. '89 Internacia Kultura Esperanto Festivalo in Paris (France) Dec. '89 Internacia Seminario (IS) in Neumünster (Germany) Febr. '90 Shanty Festival Shan-ties '90 in Krakov (Poland) May '90 Folk Festival in Bad Kleinkirchheim (Austria) June '90 Folklore-Fest "Von Küste zu Küste" in Hollenstedt (Germany) Aug. '90 Sail Amsterdam (The Netherlands) Aug. '90 Shanty Festival "Bordée" in Dunkerque {France) Dec. '90 36a Kultura Semjnfino Homburg/Saar (Germany) April '91 Tour in France, a.o. with 46a Kongreso de SAT-Amikaro in Amboise (France) June '91 Performance for Folkinitiative Bremen at Findorfhof in Grasberg (Germany) June '9l Kogge Shantyfestival in Deventer (The Netherlands) July '91 Somero Junultago organized by Esperanto Junularo in Bonn (Germany) July '91 5. Internationales Kultodrom-Festival in Mistelbach (Austria) Aug. '91 Ile Fête de la Flandre et de la Nature in Coudekerque (France) Oct. '91 Fanø Vadehavsfestival (Denmark) April '92 Tour in England, a.o. with Brita Kongreso de Esperanto in Sheffield (England) July '92 Tanz und Folkfest Rudolstadt '92 (Germany) Aug. '92 Folk Music Festival "Roskilde Spillemandsstaevne Lirum Larum" (Denmark) Dec. '92 Internacia Seminario (IS) in Bad-Kleinen (Germany) April '93 48a Kongreso de SAT-Amikaro in Hérouville (France) Aug. '93 Kultura Esperanto Festivalo in Copenhagen (Denmark) Sept. '93 "Sea Fever" International Sea Shanty Festival in Hull (England) Sept. '93 Folk Festival in Kappeln an der Schlei (Germany) Oct. '93 Esperanto Kunveno Revelo in Bielefeld (Germany) Dec. '93 Zamenhof Festo in Brussels (Belgium) Dec. '93 Zamenhofa Festo de la Esperanto Junularo Brandenburg in Berlin (Germany) Feb/Mar'94 Tour in France, a.o. with Esperanto Stago in Cenon (France) March '94 L'Assemblee Generale d'Esperanto '94 in Orly near Paris (France) April '94 Internacia Junularo Festivalo (IJF) in Fenestrella (Italy) June '94 Skagen Folk Festival (Denmark) Sept. '94 Shanty-Festival Wilhelmshaven (Germany) Sept. '94 Musiques & Traditions in Lavoir-Héron (Belgium) Oct. '94 Internationaal Shanty Festival in Workum (The Netherlands) Nov. '94 Jubiläums-Festival 10 Jahre Pro Folk in Wuppertal (Germany) Dec. '94 Internacia Seminario in Tübingen (Germany) Febr. '95 Esperanto Junularo Brandenburg in Berlin (Germany) May '95 Tour in ttaly with performances in Torino, Treviso, Padua, Udine and Trento.(Italy) May '95 21. Folk-Treffen auf dem Scheersberg organized by LAG Folk (Germany) June '95 Stadtfest 777 Jahre Rostock (Germany) July '95 Tour in Scandinavia with performances in Nibe (Denmark), Falköping (Sweden), International Shanty Festival in Jakobstad, Turku and the Universala Kongreso de Esperanto in Tampere (Finland) Sept. '95 Wattenmeerfestival in Borkum (Germany) Febr. '96 Performances in Kester (Belgium), Hérouville and St-Philbert-de-Bouaine (France) May '96 Bristol International Festival of the Sea (England) July '96 Internationales Hertener Folkfestival (Germany) Aug. '96 52a Internacia Junulara Kongreso in Güntersberge (Germany) and 5a Kultura Esperanto Festivalo in Copenhagen (Denmark) Febr. '97 Tanzfest im Piano-theater in Dortmund-Lütgendortmund (Germany) April '97 Printempa Semajno Internacia in Duderstadt + Bayerische Rundfunk (Germany) May '97 Esperanta Kultura Festivalo in Aalen (Germany) May '97 Fanø Folk Festival (5 th. International Vadehavsfestival) on Fanø (Denmark) May '97 3. Folksfest am Ith in Salzhemmendorf (Germany) June '97 Folkclub Strackholt (Ost-Friesland)
and in cafe Sand for Folkinitiative Bremen (Germany)July '97 Folkclub Würtzburg (Germany)
and 53a Internacia Junulara kongreso in Asissi (Italy)Aug '97 FESTO Internacia Junulara rentigo in Saint-Raphaël (France) Nov '97 Antverpena Esperanto-grupo "La Verda Stelo" in Antwerpen (Belgium) Febr. '98 Internationale woche der Begegnung zum Rahmenthema "Koexistenz-Kommunikation- Kooperation in Europa"
in Paderborn (Germany)March '98 Tanzhaus Lister Turm in Hannover
and concert in Salzhemmendorf (Germany)April '98 Printempa Semajno Internacia in Bonn (Germany) May '98 Pinkstertreffen in Gooik (Belgium) June and
July '98Tour in the USA (NY, MA and PA) and Canada, including Mystic Seaport Festival, Longwood Gardens,
Old Songs Festival, New Bedford Summerfest, Central Pensylvania Festival of the Arts and
the NAKE 1998 (Nord-Amerika Kongreso de Esperanto) in Montréal.(USA)Sept '98 International Sea Shanty Festival in Hull (England) March '98 Tour in North-Germany: Tanzhaus in Hannover and Bremen, concert in Grasberg (Germany) April '99 Weekend in Perspektive Zentrum in Wilhelmshaven (Germany) July '99 IV Jeziorak Shanties Meeting in Ilawa (Poland) Nov. '99 Tanzfest, Piano-theater in Dortmund (Germany) March '00 Festival von Kleine Sprachen, Seefeld, (Germany) March '00 Tour Dames Dubbel with 'Jaarfeesten'-program, (North-Germany) May '00 Wattenmeerhaus, Wilhelmshaven, (Germany) June '00 Tour USA (CT, PA, VA and NY), Mystic Seaport Festival, Op Sail 2000 Norfolk, OldSongs Festival Altamond (USA) July '00 Kultura Arta Festivalo, Toulouse (France) May '01 Venner Folk Frühling, Venne, (Germany) June '01 Mersey Shanty Festival, Liverpool, (Great Britain) July '01 Tanz und Musik Festival Rudolstadt, (Germany) August '01 Friesisches Folk Festival, Leer, (Germany) Sept. '01 Festival Musik Maritim 2001, Vegesack, (Germany) March '02 Lehrgang Niederländische Tänze, Hohengelsen and Bremen, (Germany) May '02 Kirche Kathrinhagen, (Germany) August '02 Sea Fever Festival, Hull, (England) Dec. '02 IS Esperanto, Trier, and IF Internacia Festivalo, Borken, (Germany) January '03 Folk-Alternative Strackholt, (Germany) Feb. '03 Kat yn 't Seil, Chicago maritime Festival, Chicago, (USA) March '03 Marianta: EU-festival, Budapest, (Hungary) Sept. '03 Marianta: Slotmanifestatie Samenwerkingsverband Ergli, (Letland) Juni '04 Kat yn 't Seil: 8th Mersey International Shanty Festival, Liverpool. (England) Oct '04 Kajto, tour South Germany. Award from FAME (Esperanto-foundation) and the town of Aalen, (Germany) Jan. '05 Kajto, 3e Novjara Renkontidzjo, Marienburg, (Zell/Mosel) (Germany) April '05 Kajto, Thionville en Kongreso/Festivalo Bourg-en-Bresse, (France) Aug '05 Marianta: Dance-festival Varel, Dangast, (Germany) April '06 Kajto, 59a Regiona Stago, Villers les Nancy, (France) Juni '06 Kat yn 't Seil, 9. Möllner Folkfest der internationalen Begegnung, Mölln, (Germany) Juli '06 Kat yn 't Seil, Kultursommer Nordhessen 2006, Kassel, (Germany) Okt. '06 Kajto, Esperanto Klubo Bremen, (Germany) May '07 Marianta met Carolina Verhoeven, Ac. Streekgebonden Gastronomie, Antwerpen, (Belgium) May '07 Kajto, 84a Esperanto Kongreso, Hamburg, (Germany) Sept. '07 Kajto, 4. Rata Rendevuo, Fuhlen, Hameln, (Germany) April '09 Kapriol'! Cicle d'arrels, Barcelona, (Spain) Juli '09 Kapriol'! Kultura Esperanto Festivalo (KEF), Helsingør, (Denmark) Aug. '09 Kapriol'! FESTO, Zwingenberg, (Germany) Feb '10 Kapriol'! BalFolk und Niederländishes Tanzhaus, Hannover, (Germany) May '10 Kapriol'! Beneluksa Kongreso, Antwerpen (Belgium) May '10 Kapriol'! Franca-Germana Kongreso, Kaiserslautern (Germany) Juli '10 Kapriol'! Basel Kruibeke (Belgium) Sept' '10 Kapriol'! Fanø Folk Festival, Fanø (Denmark) Sept' '10 Kapriol'! Arkones-Festival, Poznan, (Poland) Feb'. '11 Kapriol'! Bal d'Hiver, Essômes sur Marne (France) April '11 Kapriol'! TOURNEE BELGIUM, FRANCE, GERMANY: Brussel, Le Mans, St-Brieuc, Libourne, Montgiscard, Verniolle, Sète, Crest, Waldfischbach June '11 Kapriol'! TOURNEE U.S.A.: WAMC-FM radio, New York City, MYSTIC SEA MUSIC FESTIVAL, Albany, Schenectady, Voorheesville, Guilderland, Rock Hall, Middleburgh, OLD SONGS FESTIVAL Altamont Sept '11 Kapriol'! BalFolk Emden, (Germany) Dec. '11 Kapriol'! Novjara Rekontigxo, Bitburg (Germany) Febr. '12 Kapriol'! Deunen & Deinen Festival, Enkhuizen (Netherlands) Juni '12 Kapriol'! Festival Vrijheid Urmond Juli 2012 Kapriol'! Festival 25 Jahre Seefelder Mühle, Seefeld (Deutschland) Sept. 2012 Kapriol'! Tanzfest International, Leipzig (Deitschland) Nov. 2012 Kapriol'! 25 Jahre Esperanto-Gruppe Hameln, Fuhlen (Deutschland) April 2013 Kapriol'! Tanzhaus Lister Turm, Hannover (Deutschland) Mei 2013 Kapriol'! Maritiem festival 'Semaine du Golfe', Vannes (Bretagne, France) Juni 2013 Kapriol'! Middeleeuws Festival 'Vrijheid Urmond' , tournee door U.S.A met Mystic Sea Music Festival en Old Songs Festival in Altamont, NY. Juli 2013 Kapriol'! Keltisch Midzomer Festival, Bad Nieuweschans Aug. 2013 Kapriol'! 80a Itala Esperanto-Kongreso, San Remo (Italia) en FESTO, Kelmis (België) Jan. 2014
Kapriol'! Seminar over regionale minderheden, Nowy Sacz (Polen)
Juni 2014
Kapriol'! Balfolk in de Seefelder Mühle, Seelfeld (Deutschland)
Aug. 2014
Kapriol'! tournée in Bretagne en Anjou met o.a. SAT-Kongreso in Dinan (France)
Jan. 2015
Kapriol'! Junularo Esperanto Semajno, Weisswasser (Deutschland)
Juli 2015
Kapriol'! Universala Kongreso in Lille (France)
Aug. 2015
Kapriol'! Festival du Chant de Marin in Paimpol (France)
Sept. 2015
Kapriol'! Michaelismarkt (middeleeuws festival) in Weener (Deutschland)
Okt. 2015
Kapriol'! Esperanto Songfestival in Hamburg (Deutschland)
Maart 2016
Kapriol'! Printempa Semajno Internacia (concert en balfolk) in Bad Hersfeld (Deutschland)
Juni 2017
Kajto Hispana Esperanto Kongreso in Teruel (Spanje)
Juli 2017
Kajto Universala Esperanto Kongreso in Seoul (Zuid-Korea)
Nov. 2017
Kapriol'! WANAS Festival in Caïro (Egypte)
Nov. 2017
Kajto Esperanto koncerto in Hameln (Deutschland)
Dec. 2017
Kajto Novjara Kongreso in Saarbrücken (Deutschland)
Jan. 2018
Kapriol'! Maritiem programma in Arnsberger Folkclub, Arnsberg (Deutschland)
Mei 2018
Kajto Esperanto koncerten in Cenon bij Bordeaux (France) en Luik (België)
Juni 2018
Kajto bij opening nieuwe Esperanto-huis in Antwerpen (België)
Sept. 2018
Kajto Esperanto koncert in Houthalen (België)
Nov. 2018
Kapriol'! en Kajto in Tanzhaus Lister Turm, Hannover en het Okal Café in Salzhemmendorf (Deutschland)